Get Wet (NSFW Edition)

Merk Lucky Egg
EAN 5065006752136
Verzendkosten 4,50
Voorraad 1

Get Wet is inspired by viral trends on TikTok of people answering trivia questions or finishing song lyrics. If answered incorrectly, they GET WET! Take Turns to be put on the spot and answer 50/50 tr... Lees meer

€ 17,96 Bestellen
Get Wet is inspired by viral trends on TikTok of people answering trivia questions or finishing song lyrics. If answered incorrectly, they GET WET! Take Turns to be put on the spot and answer 50/50 trivia questions. Awnser is correct; you stay dry! Get it wrong; you get wet! Players: 2-8 Game Time: 15 mins Age: 18+